

Read more in our report on Digital Broadcast Migration in Ghana

To DVB-T or not to DVB-T? Ghanaian committee must make up its mind

2015 may seem like a decent amount of time to complete the switch from analogue to digital broadcasting. But in Ghana not much movement is actually taking place according to ICT expert and researcher Tanko Mohammed in a report for APC as part our West African digital migration seriesRead the report here.

Tanko Mohammed

Report on the Workshop on Digital Migration in Ghana

 Report prepared by Tanko Mohammed, Internet Research, from workshopon June 30, 2011, Kama Conference Center, Osu, Accra.For Full report, click here.

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Ghana Research Report

 Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Ghana Research Report - Update on the Implementation of Digital Transition in Ghana 

National Communications Authority

Communications regulator of Ghana

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