
Portugal: Digital TV Controversy

The process of implementing Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Portugal, which has replaced the traditional television transmission signal since April 2012, has brought the population countless problems and

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Getting the most out of the transition

In Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Getting the most out of the transition Russel Southwood covers the challenges and the benefits of the transition, including indirect effects such as universal access to television and encouraging local content.

CTO Conference to Examine Progress in Digital Migration in Africa

In addition to examining digital migration in Africa in general the conference will focus on three areas; Reporting challenges and maximizing opportunities for a successful transition, The role of Geosynchronous Satellites and Local content strategies

Government to renew all TV licences during digital migration period

“My understanding is that subject to the payment of appropriate fees all existing television networks will automatically have their licences renewed provided they demonstrate to the national regulator appropriate infrastructure and update technology that will drive the process”, says Minister for

Senegal: Switching from analogue to digital TV signal

With the transition from analogue to digital, Senegalese audiovisual media should be prepared to make more local content, the Senegalese Minister of Communication and Telecommunication, Moustapha Guirassy said in Daka.With the digital transition deadline set for June 2015 for the whole of Africa,

Digital migration challenging in Africa

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO), Dr.

Digital migration to drive African progress

As the African continent moves towards embracing a digital future and governments debate the challenges of the migration, a wonderful opportunity is unfolding for our continent.By selecting the best possible technology available, it will drive Africa’s technological progress and development, clai

Switchover to the Digital Dividend - The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new IRIS plus report

On Friday 17 December 2010, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes urged the EU's Council of Telecoms Ministers to boost Internet access in Europe by agreeing to the Commission's September proposal to make spectrum available for wireless broadband by 2013.

Kenya: Communications Commission Seeks More Signal Supply Firms

The government is searching for two more digital television signal distributors in its renewed effort to speed up migration from analogue to digital broadcast ahead of Kenya's 2012 switchover deadline."As part of the wider government objective of ensuring a smooth transition from analogue to digi

Uganda: Switching to Digital TV Will Favour Local Productions

Interiew with Charles Hamya, the long-serving General Manager of Multichoice Uganda, provider of satellite digital TV. 

Africa's digital migration examined

Over 100 broadcasting experts and ICT leaders will be congregating at the Southern Sun Grayston Hotel in Johannesburg from 1 to 3 February, to discuss and deliberate on the progress made in the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting in Africa. Organised by the London-based Commonwealth

Ghana’s digital migration and E-governance makes Progress…!

Ghana’s Communications Ministry has been embarking on a program called the Digital Migration Process to change radio and television broadcasting services in the country from analogue to digital. Speaking on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show, minister of communication Haruna Iddrisu said that the migrat

Uganda: Jacaranda Digital Broadcasting will invest US$2.5 million in digital transmission network

Balancing Act’s Russell Southwood speaks to Jacaranda Digital Broadcasting’s CEO Richard Lutwama about attracting African TV viewers to the new technology and the investment in a Uganda-wide digital transmission network.

With the digital transition coming, Africa needs a manifesto for change in its public broadcasting

The digital transition is not simply a technical changeover but an opportunity to provide better broadcasting for Africa’s citizens. Russell Southwood thinks the time has come to re-examine how public broadcasting works (or perhaps more accurately, doesn’t work) in Africa.

Over half of African countries are likely to fail to meet the 2015 deadline for the transition to digital broadcasting

According to new research from Balancing Act, over half of Africa’s 52 countries are unlikely to make the 2015 deadline set by the ITU for the transition to digital broadcasting.

Uganda runs DTT pilot and plans to go digital by 2012 but private sector argues for separate signal carrier

The pace of the transition to digital broadcasting in Africa is picking up with a larger group of countries now entering the race with practical action rather than just policy proposals.

Nigeria: UK, FG Plan Cut in Broadband Pricing

United Kingdom's telecom watchdog, Ofcom, has unveiled proposals that it claims could mean better value broadband services for those in rural areas. 

Rwanda: Government welcomes shift to digital broadcasting

Kigali — The Director General in the Ministry of Information, Ignatius Kabagambe, has said that the government policy of shifting from analogue to digital broadcasting is of great importance to the country.

Will Africa meet the digital migration deadline?

Countries, especially in Africa, are grappling to catch up with the June 2015 deadline, but with some countries taking the lead and rising competition between service providers the process is picking up speed.

Rwanda: Citizens Should Embrace Digital Broadcasting Targets

The Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) has taken a decision to facilitate local investors to import and distribute digital TV sets.

Digital deadline drifting out of reach

SA is poised to miss its new deadline for switching off analogue television signal, as there are too many aspects that need tackling in the next two years before the new format broadcasting can become a reality.

SADC fosters DIgital TV migration

SADC says the realisation of the full benefits of the digital dividend spectrum can only be achieved with the active cooperation and support of SADC member states and all stakeholders, and if a common approach is adopted to spectrum planning and management.

Digital TV choice will ‘perpetuate white domination

Concerns are raised that the European standard will only serve to entrench existing manufacturers. “The electronic manufacturing industry is traditionally dominated by whites and foreign-owned companies, which do not have the development interests of the country at heart".

SADC’s signal of good sense

Duncan McLeod: A Southern African task team has recommended the adoption of the updated European standard for digital terrestrial television. Our politicians should waste no time in endorsing this and allowing SA broadcasters to get on with the job of migration.

Ghana rolls out national digital migration timetable

The timetable directs the setting up of a National Digital Migration Implementation body by the end of January 2011 and issuance of licence for digital television until the end of 2014

Civil society debates SABC protection against rival

Civil society and labour organisations are debating whether or not to protect the SABC from competition.

Media owners to assess openings in digital switch

Media owners meet to review opportunities and threats arising from Kenya’s shift to digital broadcasting from analogue. Digital migration is expected to increase the country’s broadcasting frequencies by more than tenfold allowing the government to license more operators.

China offers to help in digital migration

A Chinese media and technology company has offered to mobilise funds to help speed up the implementation of Zambia’s digital migration programme.

Over half of African countries are likely to fail to meet the 2015 deadline for transition to digital broadcasting