Resources for other countries

The migration to Digital Broadcasting has been a subject of discussion especially in Africa. There are several issues which should be considered in digital broadcast migration. Such issues border on regulation, market potentials, models and strategies for successful migration, regulation and content. Nigeria is of particular interest in Africa as it has the largest potential market for digital broadcast in Africa.Read the full report here.

Digital transition presents an economic burden for all stakeholders – firstly, governments who have to establish new regulations; industry, which will have to change its equipment and consumers, who will need to purchase new digital decoders or new digital televisions. “It is important to emphasise the fact that digital broadcasting technologies need to be acquired on the world market. Read the report here.

As one of Africa’s most liberalised broadcasting and telecoms markets, Nigeria has been ahead of the game when it comes to digital broadcast migration, setting itself the bold self-imposed target of completing the migration by June 2012. But a new report from APC written by ICT expert Fola Odufuwa warns that Nigeria is unlikely to meet the target and that a serious shift in priorities is needed to even meet the obligatory 2015 target for all of West African nations.Read full article here.

 L’atelier organisé par l’Association pour le Progrès de la Communication (APC),BalancingAct avec le soutien de Open Society Institute(OSI) à Dakar le 29 juin 2011 a permis de réunir les différents acteurs et parties. cliquez ici pour le rapport complet.

 Report prepared by Tanko Mohammed, Internet Research, from workshopon June 30, 2011, Kama Conference Center, Osu, Accra.For Full report, click here.

 In order to sensitize West African countries on the deadline for digitization and and accesslevels of preparedness, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and BalancingAct in collaboration with the Open Society Initiative sponsored a digital migration Workshopfor WATRA Members in Accra on 4th June, 2011. 

 Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Ghana Research Report - Update on the Implementation of Digital Transition in Ghana 


Migration vers la radiodiffusion numérique en Afrique de l’ouest: Cas du Sénégal

The website of the National Broadcasting Commission - The broadcast regulator for the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Nigeria Research Report - Update on the Implementation of Digital Transition in Nigeria. 

Regulateur des communications de Senegal / Communications regulator of Senegal 

Communications regulator of Nigeria

Communications regulator of Ghana