
In Ghana a National Digital Broadcasting Migration Technical Committee (NDBMTC) was inaugurated in June, 2010 by the Minister of Communications to tackle the issue of digital migration. Read more in our report on Digital Broadcast Migration in Ghana. 

Read more in our report on  Digital Broadcast Migration in Ghana


National Communications Authority

Communications regulator of Ghana

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Ghana Research Report

 Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Ghana Research Report - Update on the Implementation of Digital Transition in Ghana 

Report on the Workshop on Digital Migration in Ghana

 Report prepared by Tanko Mohammed, Internet Research, from workshopon June 30, 2011, Kama Conference Center, Osu, Accra.For Full report, click here.


Ghana rolls out national digital migration timetable

The timetable directs the setting up of a National Digital Migration Implementation body by the end of January 2011 and issuance of licence for digital television until the end of 2014

Ghana’s digital migration and E-governance makes Progress…!

Ghana’s Communications Ministry has been embarking on a program called the Digital Migration Process to change radio and television broadcasting services in the country from analogue to digital. Speaking on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show, minister of communication Haruna Iddrisu said that the migrat

Government to renew all TV licences during digital migration period

“My understanding is that subject to the payment of appropriate fees all existing television networks will automatically have their licences renewed provided they demonstrate to the national regulator appropriate infrastructure and update technology that will drive the process”, says Minister for

Digital migration challenging in Africa

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO), Dr.